jQuery(function($) { var ngg_imagebrowser_init = function() { var imagebrowser_links = $('a.use_imagebrowser_effect'); imagebrowser_links.on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var success = true; var $this = $(this); var image_id = $this.attr('data-image-id'); var image_slug = $this.attr('data-image-slug'); var image_url = $this.attr('data-imagebrowser-url'); var url = window.location.toString(); url = url.split('/' + photocrati_ajax.ngg_param_slug + '/').shift(); if (url.substr(-1) === '/') url = url.substr(0, url.length - 1); image_id = image_slug ? image_slug : image_id; try { if (!image_id) image_id = parseInt($this.parents('.ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box').attr('id').match(/\d+/).join('')); } catch (ex) { success = false; } if (success) { url = image_url.replace('%STUB%', image_id); /* TODO: Remove this entire chunk. It should be unecessary. // Custom permalinks are disabled. So we have to redirect to /index.php/nggallery/image/n?qs=1 if (photocrati_ajax.wp_root_url.indexOf('index.php') >= 0) { url = photocrati_ajax.wp_root_url + "/" + photocrati_ajax.ngg_param_slug + "/image/" + image_id; if (window.location.toString().indexOf('?') >= 0) url += '?'+window.location.toString().split('?').pop(); } else { // Just append the slug url += "/" + photocrati_ajax.ngg_param_slug + "/image/" + image_id; } */ window.location = url; } }); // Unregister any onclick handlers added after the above has executed to avoid conflicts if (imagebrowser_links.length > 0) { setTimeout(function() { imagebrowser_links.each(function() { this.onclick = null; }); }, 200); } }; $(this).on('refreshed', ngg_imagebrowser_init); ngg_imagebrowser_init(); });